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Team BMD Runs In Sandy Hook 5K To Support The Collaborative Recovery Fund

Sandy Hook 5K

Led by Attorneys Michelle Laubin, Floyd Dugas, and Ryan Driscoll, Team BMD joined over 1,000 runners to participate in the March 28, 2015 event themed, “Love Runs Through.” Berchem Moses friends and family members raised more than $1,000 in matching donations.

All race expenses were covered, and at least $70,000 in proceeds from the Sandy Hook 5K will be donated to the Collaborative Recovery Fund administered by the Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation (which pays the out-of-pocket mental health expenses for those who have been most impacted by the 12-14-12 tragedy). A percent of the proceeds will go directly to the chosen nonprofit organizations of the 26 families who lost loved ones. Thanks to all who donated and participated!