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Pro-Employee Sexual Harassment Decisions Up Seven Fold since #Metoo

By: Floyd J. Dugas, Esq.

A recently published study by a law professor and a political science professor revealed that plaintiffs in sexual harassment lawsuits brought in Federal District Court between 2016 and 2020 were seven times more likely to prevail than pre-#metoo claims. Exactly why is not clear.  Some legal commentators suspect judges have been swayed by the social […]

New Year’s Resolutions From Your Employment Lawyer

By: Rebecca Goldberg

If you have decided 2024 is going to be a better year, you may have made some personal New Year’s resolutions.  You can bring these goals into the workplace as well to help your organization run better than ever. Resolution #1: Get a checkup. Schedule a checkup – with your employment lawyer.  You’re busy with […]

Beyond Year-End Reviews: Strategic Feedback Helps Employee Performance

By: Rebecca Goldberg

Supervising employees is not easy.  Providing constructive feedback can be one of the most challenging aspects of management, but it is crucial to creating and maintaining strong staff performance, so supervisors need to approach performance evaluations and staff feedback skillfully. The annual review should not be the first time an employee receives feedback.   Successful management […]

Is Your Customer List a Trade Secret? Things to Know

By: Jordan A. Vazzano

In the dynamic landscape of business, where consumer preferences and market trends constantly evolve, customer lists can be a cornerstone of a successful business strategy.  When a customer list falls into the wrong hands, the impact can be devastating.  Is a customer list a trade secret in Connecticut? How can businesses protect their customer lists […]

Municipal Employers: CT Supreme Court Says Unilateral Action Must Be Clear and Unmistakable

By: Christopher R. Henderson, Esq.

Co-authored by Jordan A. Vazzano The Connecticut Supreme Court issued a decision on October 19 with considerable implications for municipalities and labor relations. Importantly, it clarified the role of the State Labor Board, the influence of the National Labor Relations Act which governs private sector labor law on the national scale, and examined the authority […]

How to Fire an Employee in Connecticut – Busting Myths About Termination of Employment

By: Rebecca Goldberg

When dealing with an at-will employee, can you really fire someone for any reason?  Can the company make deductions from the final paycheck?  Does accrued, unused vacation get paid out?  When terminating the employment relationship, it is important to get the details right.  Disgruntled ex-employees are more likely to file legal complaints than current employees, […]

Connecticut Minimum Wage Increase Announced for 2024

By: Rebecca Goldberg

Governor Lamont and the Connecticut Department of Labor announced that the state minimum wage will increase to $15.69 per hour on January 1, 2024, six months after rising to $15 per hour this past June. This increase is the first index-based adjustment to occur under legislation signed in 2019.  That law provided for phased-in increases […]

Can Employees Say Whatever They Want at Work? Busting Myths About Employee Speech Rights

By: Rebecca Goldberg

Can an employer fire an employee for cursing out the boss?  Complaining about pay?  Backing the “wrong” political candidates?  Posting racist rants on Facebook? These situations are not uncommon in the workplace and employers must be prepared to navigate the complicated terrain of employee speech protections while maintaining order in the workplace.  This article busts […]

Employers Must Update Their New-Hire Paperwork By November 1st

By: Rebecca Goldberg

Starting November 1, 2023, all employers will be required to use a new I-9 Form, the form used to verify an employee’s eligibility to work in the United States.  I-9s must be completed on all new hires who will perform work in the United States.  Employers may switch to the new form now or may […]

You’ve Received A CHRO Discrimination Charge – Now What?

By: Rebecca Goldberg

First, breathe.  Many employers (and virtually all large employers) in Connecticut face a CHRO charge at some time.  The filing of a charge does not mean that you or your employees are bad people, are going to jail, or are going to have to pay out a massive verdict.  Factually or legally baseless charges are, unfortunately, quite common.  While […]